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YBC Weekly Rides
Bicycle Sundays on the BRP
Join us to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Bicycle Sundays on the Bronx River Parkway. We will meet at the parking lot of the Ashbury Crestwood Methodist Church on Parkview Ave, 15 minutes before the opening of the parkway on the following Sundays:
September 8, 15, and 22 (10am to 2pm)
October 6 (10am to 2pm)

YBC Weekly Rides
YBC Monday Repeats
Join Michell, Franz and Franklin every Monday at the entrance of Van Cordtland Park at Broadway and 242nd St for a 2 miles loop with 197ft of elevation. One mile up, one mile down. Then go at it again just for fun. The purpose of this ride is to practice your hills skills. Wheels up at 7pm.
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